Pet's wellness and preventive care - Tips to improve your pet's health

We get it! You are a pet owner and you love your furry friend to bits.

But are you giving it the best care possible?

Pet wellness and preventive care are necessary to keep pets happy and healthy. An imbalance in your pet's optimal body state will lead to ill-health. As a pet owner, you don't need to do too much to keep your pet in good health.

Even without blowing your budget, the following pet care tips will improve your pet's health if you are dedicated to following them through as at when due.

1.)  A regular veterinary visit to your preferred League City Veterinarian

Some bad health conditions can be hardly noticeable to the untrained eye. Your pet might be hurt but will never show it, probably as a defensive mechanism to avoid being seen as weak.

Yes, our domestic animals still have their primal instincts left over from their wild ancestors which make them pretend to be in good health when they are not.

You may not be able to notice a very slight limp or a favoring of a particular body part but a professional League City veterinarian would.

It is important you take your pet to visit the veterinary as often as you can manage. It could be once in a month, in 3 months or in 6 months depending on your budget.

Your pet's veterinary check-up should be thorough and include a full-body check to be certain it is in good health.

2.) Don't treat your pet without supervision from a recommended Vets in League City.

One of the riskiest things to do as a pet owner is to assume you know what's wrong with your pet then initiate treatment when you are not trained to do so.

You will most likely be making a very dangerous assumption which can be prove costly to your pet's life. If any medication must be administered to your pet, it should be according to the directions of a trained veterinarian.

Assumptions can be dangerous and you shouldn't really gamble with your pet's lie. Allow the vets to do their job when it is needed.

At most, a pet owner should learn basic pet first aid and leave it at that.

3.) Proper feeding is necessary to keep your pet healthy

Most pets thrive on a healthy meal of high protein and other essential nutrients. Your pet's food should be as organic as possible and contain the essential nutrients it needs to be in good health.

For guidance, consult your veterinary care person on your pet breed and the best meal type for it. Don't feed dog food to cats and vice versa.

"Stay away from processed animal food as much as possible. Many contain unhealthy preservatives and chemicals"

Each animal has their preferences just like we humans do. Feeding should be given in the morning and in the evenings/night as the case may be.

4.) Treat your pet to some exercises as often as possible to maintain its body weight

Indoor pets are known to become overweight with time from overfeeding and little exercise. This isn't surprising as it happens even to the best of us.

Overweight pets are prone to heart disease, joint issues, and other life-threatening complications. Your pet needs as much exercise as it can get to be healthy and fit.

Regular walks are important. Leaving the animal free to roam and play in your yard is advisable too. When you are free, you can run and play games with your pet too.

"Your pets were originally active animals with fit, agile bodies when their ancestors were in the wild. A sedentary lifestyle is not the best for dogs and cats"

If you have an overweight pet, you can visit one of the top veterinary care centers – Safari Veterinary Care Centers, League City, Texas. Here they have wonderful pet experts who will put your pet through rehabilitative care to help it lose weight and regain good health.

If you won't be available for a period of time and you're concerned about your pet's welfare, there are professional League City Animal Shelters in Texas for proper care of your pet while you are away.

5.) League City vets suggest regular grooming to increase your pet's chances of good health

Regular grooming is necessary to keep your pet in good hygiene. A clean pet is more likely to remain healthy than a dirty one. Grooming involves a whole lot of activities and if you are a busy pet owner, you might consider getting a personal vet to help.

To properly groom your pet, you will have to consider the following: nail clipping, fur/hair trimming, and regular bathing at least once weekly brushing of teeth at least twice a week, physical body checks and many more.

It might look like such a tall order but with good planning, you can do it yourself without having to visit your pet veterinarian and spend money before you get this done.

Do you want your pet to have more chances for better health? Consider regular grooming to keep your pet clean and in good hygiene.
